Copyright © 2009–2020 HalalBooking.
HalalBooking® is a trading name of HalalBooking Ltd. European Union registered trademark number: 012136751. All rights reserved.
Become HalalBooking's Affiliate or Partner and Monetise Your Audience
Do you have an app, website, social media profile with predominantly Muslim users? Or maybe you have a great blog post about halal travel?

Maximise your earnings from your active audience with HalalBooking. We offer revenue share, CPC or hybrid models assessed on individual basis.
12-month Attribution for Your Traffic
We attribute any booking within 12 months of the user's first visit to the respective affiliate. If a user registers, bookings are attributed regardless of the device used for booking. Otherwise, tracking happens through cookies.
Transparent & Automated System
As soon as anyone from your traffic makes a booking request or pays for it, you get email updates. This can be tested any time. You will also enjoy a very straightforward method to promote any page you feel suitable for your audience.
Big Basket Volume & Commissions
On average, customers pay $1000 for a regular stay booked through This means over $100 in commissions. We are happy to share generously a portion of our commission with our affiliates.
Well-known Brand Among Muslims
Our business doubles every year. In 2019, we have become the fastest growing travel company in the UK and one of the fastest growing companies in Europe. Affiliates capitalise our strong brand power in converting their audiences.
Thousands of Properties with Halal Data
Customers find hotels & villas with halal food, no alcohol policy, women-only beach, pool & spa and more with one click thanks to our halal filters.
User-friendly Booking System

We are proud to have an extremely reliable and easy booking system, helping you to convert your audience faster.
Best Price Guarantee

We guarantee the best price. Read more about HalalBooking's best price guarantee policy.
Exclusivity for
Top Halal Resorts
Adenya Hotel, Adin Beach Hotel, Wome Deluxe Hotel, Modern Saraylar, Hotel Mavi Deniz, Alya Piynar Villa Hotel are just a few of them
How Revenue Share model works
We set up your account and provide you with a special link and instructions
Use your special link,
convert your audience
to get bookings
Once guests check out,
you can invoice us
and get your commission
This model does not require any prepayment by HalalBooking, thus we can offer generous commission-based earnings. There is no limit on commissions and by continuously re-sending existing users to the HalalBooking website you can reset the 12-month attribution window, and thus can expect more earnings with this model than the CPC model, which offers guaranteed but limited earning potential.
How CPC model works
Submit details of your app/website. We will ask for stats if it is a good match
HalalBooking analyses the business opportunity and makes a commercial offer
Place HalalBooking's assets onto your platform and drive traffic to our website
Get paid monthly or quarterly depending on the traffic sent
This model requires prepayment by HalalBooking, which poses financial risk, thus requires us to be more conservative in our commercial offer.
Not sure these models work for you? Get in touch and we are happy to discuss other possible options.
Apply Now to Become
an Affiliate Partner
First & Last Name
Mobile Number
Country Based
Marketable Audience Size
This includes monthly active users of your app, average visits to your website, email list, social followers, etc.
Your App/Website/Social Media pages
Share the links to all your channels where you plan to actively promote HalalBooking, if you are accepted into the programme.
We need your contact information in order to contact you about the programme and regularly share inspirational information that may be useful when you promote HalalBooking.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is is the world's leading search and booking website for halal-friendly travel, allowing you to book properties catering for the needs of Muslim travellers. Click here to read more about halal-friendly travel.
What is HalalBooking's Affiliate Programme?
HalalBooking's Affiliate Programme allows you to monetise your audience and earn money. If you have a relevant audience that might be interested in halal-friendly travel, you can share with them a special link. When a user clicks this special link we will understand the referring affiliate and attribute any booking to the respective affiliate. Any apps or websites targeting Muslims, or social media accounts that are predominantly followed by Muslims are suitable for our affiliate program. HalalBooking has 2000+ such affiliate partners across the world.
What are the available affiliate models?
We offer a generous revenue share as well as a CPC (pay per click) model. Revenue share model is more lucrative for affiliates, because of the lower risk for HalalBooking. Here you will get paid only after customer has checked out of the property. The CPC model poses a higher risk for HalalBooking involving upfront payments, thus the commercial offer for affiliates is lower. In addition, we can discuss a hybrid model (mixture of two models). Fill in the form for more detailed information.
How to become an affiliate partner?
Simply fill out and submit the form above with your accurate details. We will contact you soon if it's a good match.
What is expected from me when I become an affiliate partner?
You'll simply need to drive traffic to the HalalBooking website. It can be an app functionality/icon or a content on your website or active social media posts. We'll share more information and tips on this when you become an affiliate partner.
When and how am I going to be paid?
Depending on the model this can vary. If you are an affiliate working with us on a revenue-share model, payments are made only after a customer checks out from the hotel and after having received an invoice from the affiliate. In the CPC model, payments can be made monthly depending on the amount accrued upon the receipt of an invoice. Payments are made by bank transfer.
I don't have a registered company. Can I also be an affiliate?
Yes, you can. You will still need to issue an invoice and comply with your country's regulations.
Do you have any question not covered on this page?
Contact us at
[email protected]
Follow us on Social Media
Copyright © 2009–2020 HalalBooking.
HalalBooking® is a trading name of HalalBooking Ltd.
European Union registered trademark number: 012136751.
All rights reserved.